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   Andrea G. Pinketts Andrea G. Pinketts

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Andrea G. PinkettsAndrea G. Pinketts

Born in 1961, he’s considered one of the most interesting authors in contemporary Italian literature. With a new and unusual language, his works start from the tradition of hard-boiled detective stories, enriched with a bit of surrealism, which in a few short stories approaches fantastic literature. His works include books published by Feltrinelli e Mondadori, a novelette from Edizioni E-Elle and several short stories (Addictions, Stampa Alternativa, Einaudi and other publishers). In France his novels are published by Rivages. Winner of many editions of the Mystfest, he also won Premio Scerbanenco, Premio del Noir in Festival of Courmayeur, Premio Noir in Campione d’Italia. He worked as a model, martial arts instructor, copywriter and song lyrics writer. Reporter-detective for the magazines Esquire and Panorama, he disguised himself in several ways: as a homeless, a porn actor or a satanic rockstar. For his activity in journalism he received in 1991 the prize Una Remington per la strada. As a detective he officially worked as a "sheriff" for the city of Cattolica. Author of essays for Il Giallo Mondadori and Segretissimo, he also edited L’enciclopedia dei serial killer (Flamingo). Along with Andrea Carlo Cappi he’s now director of M-Rivista del mistero (Addictions), specialized in thriller e mystery. Pinketts considers himself the only human victim of the Millennium Bug.

More details in: Andrea G. Pinketts Home Page

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The saga of Lazzaro Santandrea

The novel series (more like a chanson de geste) by Andrea G. Pinketts stars his alter ego Lazzaro Santandrea, unwilling detective, sorrounded by a group of strange friends (a failure taxi driver, an unlucky actor, a minor underworld boss…) who often follow him in his adventures in the streets of Milan. Ironic and bitter character, unlike many serial detectives he evolves from novel to novel, without losing his many vices or his few but strong virtues. Lazzaro Santandrea is not just a heir of the detectives of the 40’s, but also of the characters by Hemingway and Bukowsky. The Lazarus Ledd comics series by Ade Capone (Edizioni Star Comics) frequently casts Lazzaro Santandrea as a guest star.

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LAZZARO VIENI FUORI ("Lazarus come out"; 1st edition: Metropolis, 1992; republished by Feltrinelli U.E., 1997)
Lazzaro Santandrea’s first adventure. Back to Bellamonte (Trentino), home of the memories of his childhood, Lazzaro discovers the crimesof a local child serial killer and feels it’s his duty to find the murderer.

IL VIZIO DELL’AGNELLO ("The Vice of the Lamb"; Feltrinelli U.E., 1994)
Lazzaro Santandrea’s second adventure. Pretending to be a psichiatrist under the name of "Doctor Totem", he finds himself forced to investigate the case of a woman who, after winning the prize for the kindest little girl, decides to achieve the top of evil as well.

IL SENSO DELLA FRASE ("The sense of the sentence"; Feltrinelli U.E., 1995; French edition LE SENSE DE LA FORMULE, Rivages)
Lazzaro Santandrea’s third adventure. Somebody’s telling the same lies a girl use to tell many years before. The girl has mysteriously disappeared and Lazzaro getson the trail of the missing girl, in order to give the lies back to their legitimate owner.

IO, NON IO, NEANCHE LUI ("Me, not me, nor even him" Feltrinelli U.E., 1996)
Ironic and mysterious stories, connected by a common link: they have been written by order of the author's analyst. A perfect chance to discover what’s inside the mind of an author.

IL CONTO DELL’ULTIMA CENA ("The Bill of the last Supper"; Mondadori, 1998; new edition Oscar Mondadori, 1999; French edition LA MADONNE ASSASSINE, Rivages)
Lazzaro Santandrea’s fourth adventure. Lazzaro thinks he has seen the Madonna and his "agent" convinces him to exploit his vision for commercial purposes. But when the "madonna" commits a murder, Lazzaro finds it quite difficult to prove himself innocent.

E CHI PORTA LE CICOGNE? ("And Who Brings the Storks?" E-Elle, 1999)
Novelette. A mysterious serial killer strikes again, after 20 years in a small town: if he used to kill children, now, to finish his job, he kills those who were children 20 years before. A psychoanalist-detective is the main character inm this comic and grotesque fairy tale.

L’ASSENZA DELL’ASSENZIO ("The Absence of Absinth"; Mondadori, 1999)
Lazzaro Santandrea’s fifth adventure. He decides to marry a rich girl to solve his problems, but finds himself forced to investigate the disapppearance of Assenzio, the fiancee’s younger brother, and of two other men with the same name.

IL DENTE DEL PREGIUDIZIO ("The Prejudice Tooth"; Mondadori, 2000)
Mystery, humour and surrealist stories. On the chair of the dentist, Pinketts is forced to face man’s most secret fears and builds up stories about doutbful pedophiles, reincarnated dogs, little miracles and epic battles in the streets of Milan.


Contatti dal 15 maggio 2000


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