Andrea Carlo
CappiBorn in 1964,
author of mystery stories, he has published several novels and short stories (for
Mondadori, Stampa Alternativa, Edizioni E-Elle, Il Minotauro, etc.) and non fiction
(DeAgostini, Puntozero). He has translated works by authors from Spain (Juan Madrid,
Andreu Martin), Mexico (Paco I. Taibo II), U.K. (P.C. Doherty) and U.S.A. (Stuart
Kaminsky), though he's known mostly as the translator of adventures of James Bond 007. He
writes also about cinema, his work including essays for video collections of Federico
Fellini and Clint Eastwood. Editor of anthologies of noir literature (Mondadori,
Addictions), he's now director, with Andrea G. Pinketts, of the magazine M-Rivista del
mistero (Addictions), specialized in thriller and mystery. Comics writer for the series
Martin Mystery, he's also working on movie and tv screenplays. His works include noir
stories, action thrillers and spy-stories. Nothing has ever been published in English
language yet.
Click here for an English version of his short story Stetit
More details in: Andrea
Carlo Cappi Home Page.

The "Hunter", or more
exactly the "Book Hunter", created in 1992, stars in short stories, novelettes
and novels. Hired to find precious and mysterious books, he always finds himself involved
in plots and international intrigues, mixing adventure and humour. After many short
stories set in the 90's (the early ones appearing on the magazine Il Giallo Mondadori in
1994), Edizioni E-Elle published two novels about his first adventures, Cacciatore
dell'impossibile (1997) and Cacciatore di intrighi (1998), set in 1981 and 1982.
Carlo Medina is the main character in three
novelettes (published in special issues of Il Giallo Mondadori between dicember 1994 and
dicember 1995), and in the novel Morte accidentale di una lady (1997). Former copywriter
in Milan, he directs an agency specialized in "marketing crimes": elimination of
competitors by any means available. In his stories, anyway, he faces even more corrupted
characters, becoming a sort of unusual man of justice.
("Hunter of the impossible") Novel. Milan, 1981: witness of the murder of a
professor, a 16 year old student finds in his bag a mysterious book. It looks like a
history book, but it seems to be printed in 2011 and tells how USSR started and won the
Third world war. Even more frightening: some of the events in the book really start to
happen. Science fiction? No, conspiracy. But how can a young man change the course of
intrigues") Novel. Rapallo (Genova), 1982: one year later, the protagonist of the
previous book is on holiday at the seaside. This times he finds a manuscript about the
backgrounds of the deaths of Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedy brothers. But that's no
fiction: it's really the autobiography of the man who knows everything about the JFK
assassination. On a double narrative plan (1963/1982) here comes out a truth more
incredible than any conspiracy theory. CIA, KGB and the Mob are on the hunt for the
and the young "hunter".
death of a lady") Novel. A spy story set in Italy, France and England, in the summer
of 1997. A group of hitmen prepares an assassination in Paris: the sabotage of a Mercedes
that will perform a tragic "accident". The assassination is succesful, ma the
plot is accidentally discovered by professional hitman Carlo Medina, later hired by a
mysterious arabian Mata Hari to find the murderers. A novel that makes you think about
certain facts from the real life.
World-Everything about 007") Non fiction. Written by Cappi with Edward Coffrini
Dell'Orto, it collects all information required to understand the "007
phenomenon" in literature, movies, society. The exciting story of the life of his
creator Ian Fleming, the backstage of books and films, a complete biblio-filmography
updated to 2000. And a surprising chapter about the spy movie wave of the 60's, including
the "fake 007" movies. The two authors are the presidents of the only italian
Bond fan club: 007 Admiral Club.
CITTA' VIOLENTA ("Violent city")
Italian-made fictional noir stories, selected and presented by Cappi. Some of the best
Italian crime and murder writers (Andrea G. Pinketts, Claudia Salvatori, Loriano
Macchiavelli, Carlo Oliva, Sandro Ossola, Matteo Curtoni, Stefano Massaron, Gianfranco
and many others) face the theme of urban violence and its motivations.
Stories of atmosphere and original variations on the mechanisms of mystery.